Above and beyond

I highly recommend Gisele Nader as a brokerage agent. From the moment we engaged her services, Gisele's showed a lot of dedication and her personalized attention to our case was evident. She meticulously guided us through every step of the home buying journey, which can be quite complicated in the Netherlands, taking the time to explain the details of the process and manage our expectations effectively. She was actively involved in every aspect of the search, accompanying us on nearly 15 property visits with a lot of enthusiasm every time. Her eye for detail and extensive knowledge of the market ensured us that no detail was missing. Throughout the entire process, Gisele's showed genuine concern for our needs and made us feel valued and supported. She was always accessible, promptly addressing any concerns or queries we had and providing reassurance during moments of uncertainty. Gisele Nader is a great professional and really goes above and beyond. We are immensely grateful for her expertise and guidance and would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone in search of their home.

April 2024
Mr. B. Agra

Clear and detailed

Clear and detailed explanations during every steps. Support on other services. Full availability and quick answers provided. Patience on guide and answer questions, which is even more relevant for an expat like me since this is being done for the first time.

Mei 2024
Dhr. A. Machado

Always available

We had a great experience with Gisele Nader as our broker while buying our home in the Netherlands. As expats, we were new to the Dutch housing market, but Gisele was always there to help us understand everything and make the best choice. She was always available to answer our questions and guide us through the process. We're really happy with our new home and thankful for Gisele's support. We highly recommend her to anyone looking for a home here. We hadden een geweldige ervaring met Gisele Nader als onze makelaar bij het kopen van ons huis in Nederland. Als expats waren we nieuw op de Nederlandse woningmarkt, maar Gisele was er altijd om ons alles te helpen begrijpen en de beste keuze te maken. Ze was altijd beschikbaar om onze vragen te beantwoorden en ons door het proces te leiden. We zijn echt blij met ons nieuwe huis en dankbaar voor Gisele's ondersteuning. We raden haar ten zeerste aan aan iedereen die hier een huis zoekt.

Februari 2024
Dhr. R.A. Vrech

Sharp in the final negotiation

Gisele Nader helped us to secure our first home in Zaandam. We went to a lot of houses together and she explained us pros and cons of each in detail. Gisele was also really sharp in the final negotiation - we believe without her we wouldn't be able to secure the place without breaking the bank :) If you are looking for a new home in or near Amsterdam definitely consider Gisele as your agent.

Okt 2023
Mevr. R. Nabiyev

Understand our wishes and needs

Gisele Nader assisted us from the outset, holding an explanatory and detailed meeting about the purchase process and also about what would be required for us to start the search, as well as the amounts needed to purchase and acquire the loan from the bank. She also appointed a team of competent professionals, accompanied our inspection and played a decisive role in negotiating with the sellers. We were very satisfied with her service, particularly because it was important to have a broker who not only spoke our language, but who could understand our wishes and needs for buying a house in a country with a different culture and buying/selling/financing practices.

November 2023
Ms. N. Sampaio

Everything in spanish

Gisele Nader is an excellent makelaar. We are from Colombia and she explained to us everything in Spanish (she also speaks Portuguese, English an Dutch), all the process, step by step, which was very helpfully for us. She was with us during the visits, giving us advices, suggestions and talking with a lot of confidence to the other makelaar. We really recommend her services.

Aug 2023
Ms. Osorio
Koog aan de Zaan


Loved the service from Gisele Nader. She was super knowledgeable, fast, present, helped us with everything we needed. I would highly recommend her for future customers!

Aug 2023
Ms. L. Barreto

Absolutely essential

We would like to thank Gisele Nader for the excellent work and support she has given us during the whole process of buying our new house in The Netherlands. Her support was absolutely essential.

Okt 2022
Mr. F. Algayer

Outstanding job

Gisele from VK Makelaars has done an outstanding job during this whole (rental) process. Making sure the flat was in order to what I was looking for, the video call to show the place and all the details, deal with the contract and all the legal details until the check-in and some tips for someone who has just arrived in the Netherlands.

Jun 2021
Mr. L. Mota

The experience was fantastic

We worked with Gisele Nader and Floris van Kuijeren. The experience was fantastic, from our first meeting in their office to learn what we were looking for, to arranging viewings (during the pandemic) to the eventual offer and negotiation. Their communication was nearly instant, information was spot on, Floris even made us an English language video explaining the sales contract in great detail. Gisele is fluent in Portuguese, English and Dutch and Floris in Dutch and English. They are a great team for an expat to work with!

Nov 2020
Ms. A. Borges
De Rijp

Earned our trust

We had Gisele Nader as a recommendation from a friend who had found and purchased a house within two months. After trying by ourselves and through another broker it became apparent that we’d be better off working with Gisele Nader from VK Makelaars just like our friend did. Within the first call Gisele earned our trust in sharing her latest experience on dealing with the scarcity of properties, latest bidding, and took notes of our preferences, took into account cultural differences, and more. In the same week, Gisele Nader already had gone ahead and scheduled two viewings for us, and in the third it was the house we ended up buying – all within the course of weeks. Gisele Nader helped us navigate the paperwork required, understand all parties involved, and stuck with us every step of the way – I cannot recommend her enough moving forward.

April 2021
Ms. C. Deffaci

Recomendo de olhos fechados

Eu recentemente realizei meu sonho de comprar um apartamento em Amsterdam (100% financiado) e foi graças a um post desses, então gostaria de compartilhar com vocês a minha experiência também. Em março, através de um grupo similar a esse, eu peguei o contato da corretora Gisele Nader para começar a conversar sobre a possibilidade de comprar um apartamento. Tivemos um primeiro contato por vídeo e ela me explicou muito atenciosamente os passos que eu precisava seguir / quanto dinheiro, etc. Em outubro eu a contactei de novo, pois já tinha alcançado a meta que precisava para começar a buscar um apartamento. Fiz exatamente 4 visitas e em dezembro minha oferta foi aceita (100% graças a expertise da Gisele na negociação). 15 de janeiro eu estava com a chave em mãos. É um processo complexo, cheio de pequenos passos e burocracias e que foi muito "simples" graças ao trabalho dela. Além disso, ter uma corretora brasileira me explicando tudo em português (e com a nossa similaridade cultural) foi fundamental para me sentir segura na tomada dessa decisão.Eu estou feliz demais com a experiência e a recomendo de olhos fechados!! Se alguém tiver alguma dúvida e quiser falar comigo, tô à disposição.’

Jan 2024
Ms. B. Pinho
Posted on groups of Brazilians on Facebook.

Get things done

Oi, gente 🙂 Vim aqui para dar um depoimento para todo mundo que sonha em comprar uma casa aqui na Holanda! Acho que pode ser bem útil. Há uns dois meses meu marido e eu começamos a pensar sobre o assunto. Estávamos ainda meio perdidos, mas decidimos buscar mais informações. Contatamos a Gisele Nader por causa aqui do grupo e foi aí que a vida mudou para melhor 😁 Nosso caso tinha algumas peculiaridades, mas a Gisele não se importou e fez muito além do esperado pra gente conseguir nossa casa. Sempre muito prestativa via whatsapp (áudios) e ligações e também presencialmente para avaliar se a propriedade que escolhemos de fato era tudo aquilo mesmo! Fora o fato maravilhoso de que a Gisele fala nossa língua, ela também é extremamente experiente no mercado de imóveis aqui da Holanda, então foi o pacote completo. Nos sentimos respeitados durante todo o tempo e confiantes de que ela faria acontecer! E fez 🏠 Eu sei que às vezes a gente fica com aquela impressão de que alguém natural daqui vai saber mais e etc, mas eu posso afirmar que não é bem assim... Confiem na Gisele e tenham certeza que ela vai mover o que precisar pra que esse sonho de ter uma casa se concretize 💛 Gisele Nader, somos teus fãs! Obrigada pelo excelente profissionalismo e por "get things done".

Mar 2023
Ms. P. Keil
The Hague
Posted on groups of Brazilians on Facebook.

Do jeitinho que queríamos

Olá, gostaria de deixar aqui o agradecimento a todos que indicaram a Gisele Nader, corretora, para me ajudar com a busca pela nossa nova casa aqui na Holanda pois com a ajuda dela, eu e minha esposa conseguimos comprar nossa primeira casa do jeitinho que queríamos. O processo foi bem mais simples na minha opinião tendo alguém que fala Português e Holandês junto com a gente. Ela nos explicou tudo sobre o processo, acompanhou a gente nas visitas, apontou os prós e contras de cada uma das casas e regiões onde visitamos. Sei que nem todo mundo tem condições de ter uma ajuda profissional, mas se tiver como esperar um tempo e juntar dinheiro para conseguir essa ajuda, vale muito a pena. Obrigado!’

May 2024
Mr. L. Simões
Posted on groups of Brazilians on Facebook.

Muito eficiente

Pessoal, conheci a Gisele Nader através desse post aqui no grupo em Janeiro. Assim que vi o post dela dizendo que era makelaar já entrei em contato e há duas semanas fizemos a transferência definitiva da nossa casa. A Gisele é ótima e foi muito eficiente, quando pensávamos se iríamos ou não marcar uma visita ele já havia ligado e falado com o corretor de vendas, então era só confirmar o horário que poderíamos ir kkkk. É muito louco, mas tem que ser assim se vocês quiserem comprar uma casa aqui. Três principais coisas que aprendemos: 1) não escolha demais e não pense muito. Se gostou mais ou menos, visite e faça sua oferta. 2) Ter uma pessoa como a Gisele ajuda muito, ela fala inglês e holandês, isso diminui ruídos na comunicação que a gente teria com makelaars de venda e proprietários (sem falar da brodagem de BRs pra BRs) 3) Contrate um financial advisor, isso aumenta o valor de comprar é claro, mas você dorme sossegado(a). Mesmo com o alto valor das casas nossa prestação vai ficar aproximadamente 400 euro a menos que o aluguel. Boa sorte a todos! Abraços.’

Jun 2021
Mr. W. Cesar
Posted on groups of Brazilians on Facebook.